About me - Introduction

My name is My Linh Tran, I live in Hamburg, Germany and I was born 1995. Years ago I had a blog (www.mlt-chess.blogspot.com) about my chess adventures. But after two years I stopped. Now I have much more time again and I would like to introduce you to my world - not only to my chess world but also to all the other stuffs I do (e.g. Poetry Slam) - That's why I chose the title "My Linh Adventures". (Some of my friends only call me Linh, one of my favorite nicknames is lingling)

Samstag, 1. November 2014

The Meaning of Life

What the hell is "The Meaning of Life"? Only the question itself has a deep property. I don't think that I want to explain to you or rather, I cannot explain to you what the meaning of life is signifying in my point of view. Because maybe there is no meaning? Or there are a lot of meanings? Who knows. So, I actually do not know! And that's kind of tricky. A trick - I fool myself.

1 Kommentar:

  1. Tough question...
    Find out for yourself what really makes you happy, no matter how crazy this might sound to other people. Just figure out what this is, who you wanna be and how you gonna do this. That's it in a nutshell as far as I can see!

    Best regards
    Mr. Jagdschloss
