About me - Introduction

My name is My Linh Tran, I live in Hamburg, Germany and I was born 1995. Years ago I had a blog (www.mlt-chess.blogspot.com) about my chess adventures. But after two years I stopped. Now I have much more time again and I would like to introduce you to my world - not only to my chess world but also to all the other stuffs I do (e.g. Poetry Slam) - That's why I chose the title "My Linh Adventures". (Some of my friends only call me Linh, one of my favorite nicknames is lingling)

Sonntag, 7. September 2014

A Horse Of Another Color!

People who are non-native speaker: I also didn't know this expression before. It's American and means "quite another matter".
I want to show you another passion of me: Poetry Slam. Unfortunately I just do it in German. My English is way too bad to performe in English.

You can see my debut at the "4th Digger Slam" in Bramfeld, Hamburg, Germany.

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