About me - Introduction

My name is My Linh Tran, I live in Hamburg, Germany and I was born 1995. Years ago I had a blog (www.mlt-chess.blogspot.com) about my chess adventures. But after two years I stopped. Now I have much more time again and I would like to introduce you to my world - not only to my chess world but also to all the other stuffs I do (e.g. Poetry Slam) - That's why I chose the title "My Linh Adventures". (Some of my friends only call me Linh, one of my favorite nicknames is lingling)

Montag, 29. September 2014

Sophia with 5,5/11

The last round is over (they started 10 pm) and unfortunately she lost against Cosman Andreea-Marioara (ROU, 2018 ELO). So Sophia ends up with 5.5/11. She reached 50 %, it's okay. But if I'm honest, I'm a bit sad about it because I really really really grant her that she plays a tournament of her life haha.
This evening will be the award ceremony. I think many players won't go there because often it is very boring for those who don't get anything. Instead they are going to paaaaarty.

Have fun little Sophia. It was your last WYCC, I know how it feels. :-)

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