About me - Introduction

My name is My Linh Tran, I live in Hamburg, Germany and I was born 1995. Years ago I had a blog (www.mlt-chess.blogspot.com) about my chess adventures. But after two years I stopped. Now I have much more time again and I would like to introduce you to my world - not only to my chess world but also to all the other stuffs I do (e.g. Poetry Slam) - That's why I chose the title "My Linh Adventures". (Some of my friends only call me Linh, one of my favorite nicknames is lingling)

Dienstag, 9. September 2014

An Apologize

I express regret for all the years in school I wasn't obedient to my teachers who had no authority to control the class. Today I find out or better: I could see this situation in another perspective. As far as I can ascertain as a trained assistant in the chess lesson at school, it is so horrible to be a teacher without authority!!!
I don't talk about me who has no authority, I talk about the teacher who is responsible for this class (24 kids, approx. 11-12 years old). I should teach the kids as a trained assistant (as I said before) and I had much more authority. I was so surprised (well, not at all... but it's although surprising...) that they listen to me and if the teacher wanted the class to be quiet, they ignored him the most of the time.
So a very special apology to all my teachers at school. Haha!

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